Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why buy the cow?

    This is a phrase that I have identified with lately.  After a long hard relationship that failed miserably I am having issues seeing anything in the same light as before.
    I used to think I would get married someday.  Twice in my life it was a definate option.  Once it was too soon, and the trust wasn't there.  The second time though it had been discussed.  But the proposal was a last stitch effort to keep us together.  That was the final nail in the coffin of our relationship, no way it could survive that. 
    I now have a different view on holy matromony.  I have decided it's not for me.  I understand the romantics of the ceremony, but thats only one day.  People spend thousands of dollars to pledge thier soul to eachother.  To promise to love one another for all time.  Then they get a piece of paper and a ring and leave fulfilled.
    With times today a divorce/anullment is easier to get than any sort of government assistance.  If you love a person, love them!  If you want to be with a person, be with them.  Why make promises that most likely one of you wont be able to keep?
    I have become cynical.  I am not even one for relationships anymore.  I was always the girl who had a lot of guy friends.  But I was never seen in that light.  I was a virgin till college, and I don't want to go into details about that day.  I played for a bit but not much.  Then there was Kyle.  And I was out of the game completely, but when it all fell to shit and it was just me once again everything was different.  I started hooking up.  Sometimes just once, sometimes on and off for months.  Hell at one time I was pushing a year with a guy.
    This isn't a proud point for me, but it is when that statement sank in the most.  People destroy perfectly healthy situations by placing relationships and rules on them.  Like a parking lot on a space where a lovely wood used to occupy.  My view now is if llove finds me, so be it, but I will no longer work for it.  I have put myself out there and been lead on or shot down so many times that I give up.
    Guys can do it all the time.  If they don't want to be lonely or need a hookup they call an old friend.  Casual dating and casual sex have become a social norm for men these days.  So why don't more women choose not to buy the cow?

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