Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word as fallows : 1 to cause to be foolish : deprive of sound judgment and 2 to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration. I have a problem with these definitions...because they don't inspire too much hope. 
Wikipedia just makes it worse. By stating "Infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoned passion or love; addictive love. Usually, one is inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone. Infatuation is a common emotion characterized by unrealistic expectations of blissful passion without positive relationship growth or development. Infatuation is distinguished by a lack of trust, loyalty, commitment, and reciprocity. In the case of infatuation, there is usually an obsessor and an object of desire, who may or may not be attainable."
Rhett was infected with extravagent love since the first time he laid eyes on Scarlett. You could see it in his eyes while he gazed up at her from the bottom of that plantation staircase. Christian was inspired with a foolish admiration when he saw Satine dangling from a swing by the ceiling. I want that! 
 Gosh when you are young love stories are the first ones you hear and remember.  They never explain to you that they all start with infatuation. Yeah, Cinderella and Prince Charming may have lived "Happily Ever After." But do you think that would have been possible if he didn't knock on every door in the kingdom with a damn shoe? My sources (websters and wikipedia) turn up their nose at infatuation. Like it is not a reliable feeling. Why not call it by the name other people call it "Love at first sight" or "That spark". 
I am usually very pessimistic about all things romantic. But I never understood why this word is always used in a almost negative way. Because I feel like love is nearly impossible to obtain without an infatuation. It's the feeling that makes you ask her out. The one that makes you wonder if you should call today or tomorrow. Sure as hell isn't love that early. I think its a building block though...

Okay. I will stop throwing the psychobabble out there. We all know I am single and have the worst history and most likely future...just wanted to point out that our English language makes something so beautiful look so deprived of sound judgment.

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